224037ABA Almond Insights 23+24-2V (clone) | Page 20

World Almond Index

The World Almond Index provides an insight into the overall wholesale ( before shipping ) price average over the past year .
The Index is calculated against all almond varieties and sizes sold .
The Index has been calculated by Stratamarkets , which is a subscription-based service that provides clients with an independent analysis of the global almond market by tracking pricing trends on a weekly basis .
The Index price is a “ Free Alongside ” ( FAS ) global wholesale price average , not a farmgate return . It does not include shipping and is before primary and secondary processing and packing costs are deducted .
Footnote :
To calculate the Index in Australian dollars per kilogram , apply the following process .
Step 1 : Step 2 :
Example :
US price per pound x 2.2046 = $ US per kilogram
$ US price per kilogram divided by the Australian dollar ’ s exchange rate against the $ US = Australian price / kilogram .
$ US2.00 / lb x 2.2046 = $ US4.41 / kg $ US4.41 divided by $ AUD0.65 = $ AUD6.78 / kg ( FAS )
The index should only be used as a guide as pricing will vary from grower to grower and is based solely on the information gathered by Stratamarkets . For more information on Stratamarkets go to www . stratamarkets . com . au
$ 3
$ 2.5
$ 2
$ 1.5
$ 1
$ 0.5
WMC , US FAS , $/ lb
$ 0 .
25 / 7 / 2023
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25 / 1 / 2024
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25 / 6 / 2024