224037ABA Almond Insights 23+24-2V (clone) | Page 13

Environment continued

The almond industry ' s reliance on bees has been well chronicled since the arrival of varroa mite in NSW mid-way through 2022 . The impact of the restricted hive movements on production had a huge impact on yield in 2022-23 , but a systematic approach to beehive movement during the 2023-24 pollination season ensured full stocking rates across the industry . The ongoing challenge as varroa takes hold will be the costs of engaging enough hives to pollinate orchards effectively . The varroa incursion has highlighted the diminished consumer awareness around the role bees play in food production . Almond blossoms provide one of the first natural sources of food for bees each spring and healthy hives arriving at orchards continue to strengthen during their stay . The almond industry uses almost 300,000 hives during the pollination season with this number rising as young trees mature . Hives begin to arrive at the almond orchards just before the trees begin to blossom in July and continue to enter as flower numbers in the orchards increase .
Whilst the bees move from tree to tree , they cross pollinate blossoms with pollen from other varieties . In almonds , nuts will only develop when a flower has been correctly pollinated , so the bees are very important and are treated with care . Hives are placed in open spaces to allow the sun to warm the bees , water is distributed throughout the orchard and growers are now planting flowering cover crops between trees to give the bees a more diverse diet .
Hives arriving on almond orchards benefit from the almond blossoms that are an excellent source of nutrients for bees . After almond bloom many beekeepers split the hives to increase their hive numbers . After almonds , beekeepers move their bees to pollinate other crops or to produce honey . It is estimated that almond pollination is now worth more than $ 60 million to Australian commercial beekeepers .
The ABA produces high health status varietal budwood for nurseries to ensure plantings have the best start possible . This material is produced at ABA managed mother planting sites that are tested annually for a wide range of viruses . Approximately 270,000 virus tested buds were delivered by the ABA to nurseries in 2023 / 2024 for grafting to produce healthy trees .
The commercial life of an almond tree is approximately 30 years , and some orchards are now in a replanting phase and growers are making decisions on a broader range of rootstocks and varieties that are now available from Australian and overseas breeding programs .

47 % almond orchards bee friendly farm certified