21st Century Thought January 2014 | Page 13

In our priemer issue of "Dear Philosopher..." we decided to take a look at not one but two films and their apppropriate reviews. The first film chosen is 'The Devil Wears Prada' directed by David Frankel this film was chosen, firstly for being a personal favourite of mine as well as expressing several important ethical values and discussion throughout its plot; those which are quite promient deal with standing up for your rights and the moral implication of going over a coworker and essentially using a negative event in your favour as well as disregarding of your personal thics for the position of a job. In a field stereotpically satired as shallow, materialistic and unethical.

While 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' by P. J. Hogan represents a sot of cult following and devotion to the "sport" of shopping , this film similarily to the 'Devil Wears Pada' depicts a hollow truth about the society that we are currently art of the exist upon the values of materialism and consummerism. It also shows friendship and lvoe appear as stereotypically positive moral and ethical ideas, however, a balance is reached at the end when it dawns upon the protagonist that everyting in life is about balance and so she comes upon a moral, ethical and aesthetic cleansing.

- S.M.

Dear Philosopher...