The Project continues! Since July
2015, the new building addition
to the Moriah Heights property
has broken new ground. The NCC
Building Committee made plans
to complete the building, with
God’s help, by July of 2017. The
new building will serve Whispering Pines Christian School and be a
gathering place for future SDARM
conferences. The concrete foundation has been poured and the metal posts with the roof trusses have
been put in place. The boards on
the roof have been installed and
roof tiles will soon be applied. We
appreciate all those who have volunteered their time every week in
assisting the construction process
and we ask for future help as well.
Building a 5,000 sq. foot building
requires a great amount of help
and funds. This is why, on behalf of
the NCC Building Committee and
workers, we ask for volunteers and
donations that will be used accordingly to continue the construction
of the new NCC building.
Raising the new roof at Whispering Pines Christian School, Plymouth, California.