21MAGAZINE January 2017 | Page 10

or stressful life events as possible causes . Those who participated in Dr . Nedley ’ s program , which is aimed at changing lifestyle habits and reducing the number of these main causes , found that their depression and mental state improved overall . 6
Depression does not discriminate . It can happen to anyone : a peer , friend , family member , or partner . While those who are struggling don ’ t always make it obvious , if we recognize someone in trouble , it is our duty to let them know they are not alone . Our eyes need to shed the lens of judgment and we are to become diligent searchers for those in need of support . We must learn to reach out and be with people in their moments of crisis , as Jesus does with us . A simple word of kindness can soothe the broken heart ; an invitation to your home can fill their void for companionship . God can work through you to become a living remedy for that soul . Praying for them , with them , or spending time with them will allow God , the greatest physician , to work through you as a light to someone imprisoned in darkness . We must learn to hear the cries of the brokenhearted without flinching and let them know that they are welcome in the arms of Jesus just as they are .
Even with a disorder like depression , the Savior understands . He feels our struggles and wants to bear our burdens , if only we let him . When all seems hopeless , God asks that we cast upon Him all our anxieties , desperation , self-loathing and anything else that may steal our peace . He understands our pain and was beaten down by our sins so that He could lift us up above the struggles of this life . The Healer promises that we can do
“ God asks that we cast upon Him all our anxieties , desperation , self-loathing and anything else that may steal our peace .”
all things through Him who gives us strength ( Philippians 4:13 ). He will soothe your troubled mind , comfort you when in sorrow , and give you hope when in despair . So turn to Him in prayer and He will