Another thing to take into consideration is that
students get in touch with each other and with us,
their teachers, only virtually and this is not a
positive aspect for our society, as there is lack of
But what we appreciate is that there are lessons
from Monday to Friday and they restart on
Monday, quite late, at about 10 o’clock. In this way
we all have a long weekend and can rest a lot.
The headmaster and the teachers can send text
messages to the students via WhatsApp and Skype
having simpler opportunities to communicate.
Our headmaster has introduced two new subjects:
how to organize weekly trips and driving lessons.
Moreover students do not receive any homework and
so they can have more free time for other activities.
By Rosa Scialli – IIS “DE’ LIGUORI”
SLOVENIA in 2050
Inja Cerkvenik, 14
In 2050 Slovenia will have a subway all across the country . The only type of cars that will be
allowed to drive will be electric cars. The old roads will be closed. The highways will get bigger
and there will be six lanes each way. Roads will be one of the reasons that forests will be