2025 Professional Excellence in Real Estate | Page 17

Amy Doorley-Lucas Global Real Estate Advisor
Nancy Weaver Sales Associate


Rhode Island Monthly believes that information about professional service providers should be made available to its readers so they can make informed decisions for themselves , their businesses and families . Rhode Island Monthly does not endorse , recommend , or make representations with respect to the research presented , nor has it interviewed or met with the professionals listed herein . All information was believed to be correct at the time of inclusion , but , is subject to change and is not intended to supply all information necessary to selection of a real estate professional . We encourage our readers to fully investigate their options personally to assure that they are appropriate for individual needs .
Summary . To create the list , Rhode Island Monthly contracted nationally recognized DataJoe Research to facilitate a multifaceted research campaign which included : ( a ) firm roster requests , ( b ) an online survey delivered directly to real estate professionals and consumers , and ( c ) a media analysis . DataJoe started with information obtained from primary government sources , and then expanded on this information using the firm rosters , survey submissions , and data collected from the media analysis .
In the firm roster requests , DataJoe reached out to a high percentage of the firms in the region , requesting rosters and sales performance information ( August 1 , 2023 – July 31 , 2024 ) from our firm contacts . In the online survey , real estate professionals were asked to nominate their peers who excel . They were also encouraged to request their brokers or office managers to submit their sales numbers to DataJoe . We also invited readers to nominate agents who exemplified excellent service . Finally , in the media analysis , DataJoe conducted Internet research to isolate criteria associated with top performing agents . This algorithm factored in individual agent listings and sales data as available to the public , awards , and other criteria to establish indicators of high performance .
DataJoe then compiled the above components to create an aggregate score , with confirmed sales performance as the most heavily weighted metric . The agents listed here were those with the highest composite scores .
Agents do not and cannot pay to be included as part of this list . DataJoe checked for license and disciplinary action as available to the public . If they found any disciplinary action against an agent by the state regulatory board , that agent was excluded from the list . Finally , DataJoe presented the tallied result to Rhode Island Monthly for its final review and adjustments .
Final note . We recognize that there are many good real estate agents who are not shown in this representative list . This is only a sampling of the huge array of talented professionals within the region . Inclusion in the list is based on our research campaign and the opinions of responding professionals in the region . We certainly do not discount the fact that many good and effective real estate agents may not appear on the list .
Disclaimers . DataJoe uses best practices and exercises great care in assembling content for this list . DataJoe does not warrant that the data contained within the list are complete or accurate . DataJoe does not assume , and hereby disclaims , any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence , accident , or any other cause . All rights reserved . No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe .
Questions ? For research / methodology questions , contact the research team at nominations @ datajoe . com .

Amy Doorley-Lucas Global Real Estate Advisor

Mott & Chace Sothebys International Realty 401-935-7117 amy . doorley @ mottandchace . com
With nearly two decades of experience , Amy Doorley-Lucas is known for her personalized service , deep market knowledge , and thoughtful guidance through every step of the buying and selling process . Offering luxury-level attention to detail at every price point , Amy treats every client with care , discretion and a curated eye — whether purchasing a waterfront estate or a first home . Her local expertise runs deep , with strong connections throughout Rhode Island ’ s coastal communities . Clients also benefit from the unmatched global reach and referral network of Sotheby ’ s International Realty , offering exposure and connections worldwide .

Nancy Weaver Sales Associate

Residential Properties Ltd
Mobile : 401.837.2355 Office : 401.245.9600 nweaver @ residentialproperties . com
Nancy has extensive experience selling in the Barrington and East Bay markets . She is an expert in new construction , waterfront & waterview properties and luxury sales throughout Rhode Island . In 2024 Nancy listed and closed the highest sale in Barrington at $ 4 million . Twice named to America ’ s Best Real Estate Agents , she has been a top-producing agent in the Barrington market since 1980 . She is the recipient of numerous sales awards including GPBOR Platinum Plus , RI Monthly Professional Excellence ( Legend Status ), and # 1 Barrington agent multiple times . Nancy lives in Barrington on the water with a dock and is well-versed in building on the waterfront , additions , flood zones , and docks .