2025-26 Middle School Registration Guide | Page 18

Course Description GRADE 7

Qualifying Multilingual Learners will be placed in an English Learner [ EL ] course in place of a grade-level English Language Arts [ ELA ] course ; or an English Language Development [ ELD ] course in place of a grade-level elective course . This placement is based on state and district test scores and teacher recommendation . For more information about the ML program , please see the Assistance for Students section on page 28 of this guide or contact your child ’ s School .
[ full year ]
Qualifying students will be placed in a math or reading intervention course in addition to their grade-level English and Math course . Students are recommended for these intervention courses based on state and district test scores , as well as teacher recommendation . For more information , please contact your school counselor .
Students with disabilities will be placed in support services courses as determined by their special education needs relating to their disability as outlined in their Individual Education Plan [ IEP ]. For more information about the Special Education program in general , please see the Assistance for Students section on page 28 of this guide . For individual student service questions , please contact your child ’ s case manager .
Family and Consumer Sciences 7
[ elective , every other day ] Major Outcomes :
• Explore nutrition , wellness , and food preparation practices .
• Construct a basic sewing project and learn to care for clothing .
• Acquire skills for positive guidance and caregiving of children .
• Analyze a budget and a personal finance plan .
• Identify personal skills and interests related to career goals .
Projects / Activities : Prepare recipes during culinary labs . Sew a simple project ( pillowcase ). Explore how children learn through play by playing ! Play an interactive budgeting game . Explore career options based on their interests . Instructional Focus : Hands-on activities to enhance learning , communication , and teamwork .
Technology Education Course
Engineering : Aerospace and Design [ elective , every other day ] Major Outcomes :
• Experience a scientific environment involving design , creativity , and team problem solving .
• Understand the engineering process from concept to production .
• Explore how science has affected technology throughout history by looking at concepts in physics .
• Explore the science behind aeronautics and use software to experience space travel .
Projects / Activities : Hands-on and design experiences are integrated throughout the course . Some activities include designing and creating a chain reaction contraption ( Rube Goldberg ), designing a medical device , and aircraft exploration . Students will be introduced to various software throughout the course such as 3D-CAD and online resources to provide enriched learning experiences . Instructional Focus : This class is part of a nationally recognized pre-engineering program called Project Lead the Way Gateway To Technology . This course includes the PLTW units “ Flight and Space ” and “ Design and Modeling .” The program goal is to develop more engineers , including project based units in design , modeling , flight , and space . This course emphasizes high levels of academic rigor and computer literacy . Coursework includes both individual and collaborative activities that must be completed as an integral part of this course . Authentic , real-world problem solving skills are emphasized throughout the class . This is an academically challenging course and is best suited for a motivated , collaborative learner .
WORLD LANGUAGE COURSE Exploring World Languages and Cultures
[ elective , every other day ] Major Outcomes :
• Understand and use basic phrases [ emphasis on French , German , and Spanish ].
• Develop an appreciation of other cultures .
• Gain experience that will guide students ’ selection of future language study .
Instructional Focus : Students will engage in activities using the languages to promote skills in speaking , reading , listening , and writing . Connections will be made between language and culture using music , food , readings , videos , and / or games .
18 Middle School Registration Guide