Center for Arts Choices
Options for the Arts course requirement : Courses with 0.5 credit ( 1 trimester )
Acting II Acting III
Architectural Drafting and Design
Beginning Band Beginning Choir Beginning Orchestra
Cabinetry I
Begins with the 25-26 school year
Cabinetry II
Begins with the 25-26 school year
Cabinetry III
Begins with the 25-26 school year
Ceramics I Ceramics II Ceramics III Computer Art I Computer Art II Dance Technique I * Dance Technique II * Dance Company * Digital Music Composition I *
Digital Music Composition II * Digital Photography I Digital Photography II Digital Videography I Drawing I Drawing II Drawing III
Engineering Design & Fabrication I
Engineering Design & Fabrication II
Fashion Merchandising Fabric , Apparel and Design Floriculture Graphic Design I Graphic Design II Graphic Design III Honors Arts Symposium * Interior Design and Housing Jewelry and Craft Design I Jewelry and Craft Design II
Music Exploration Medical Illustration I + Medical Illustration II + Painting I Painting II Painting III
Social Media Marketing and Web Design
Sculpture I Sculpture II Sculpture III STEAM Digital Design Lab STEAM Mechanical Design Lab Video Art I Video Art II Voice Lab Voice Lab II World Drumming * Anoka HS only
Coon Rapids HS only
Courses with 1.0 credit ( 2 periods , 1 trimester )
Advanced Fashion and Design Technologies Cosmetology and Barbering Careers I Music / Media Technology I
Courses with 1.0 credit ( 2 trimesters )
Drawing / Painting [ AP Studio Art : 2-D Design / Drawing ]
Ceramics / Sculpture [ AP Studio Art : 3-D Design ] AP : Photography [ AP : Studio Art : 2-D ]
PLTW Honors Introduction to Engineering Design ( only at BHS and CRHS )
PLTW Honors Civil Engineering Design and Architecture ( only at BHS and CRHS )
Courses with up to 1.5 credits ( up to 3 trimesters )
Band I Band II Honors Band III |
Choir I Choir II Honors Choir III |
Honors Choir IV Orchestra I Orchestra II |
Honors Orchestra III IB Visual Arts |
High School Registration Guide 9