Driver Education 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Driver Education Intended Audience : Grades 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Major Outcomes :
• Fulfill Minnesota requirements for obtaining a learner ’ s permit
• Saves lives by teaching responsible and safe driving practices and techniques
• Defensive driving practices
• Knowledge of Minnesota traffic safety laws and regulations
• Knowledge and skills to become a safe and efficient user of the highway transportation system as a driver , passenger and pedestrian
Projects , Activities , etc .: Eight hours of driving simulation , district mandated study guide , guest speakers , insurance scenarios and parent involvement meeting Instructional Focus : Instruction strategies are utilized through visual , auditory and tactile methods Inter-disciplinary connection : Technical and reading strategies , math and science
Note : Students who meet the Minnesota requirements -- of being at least 15 years of age , successfully complete this course , show proper I . D ., register for Behind the Wheel and pay the Behind the Wheel fee -- will be eligible to take the permit test .
Note : Students who are not age 15 by the end of the course will be issued a valid course completion sheet or a blue card . This will allow the student to take the permit test at an exam station .
After school and summer offerings : A shortened version [ 38 hours ] of this class may be provided after school and during the summer for students who are unable to register for this course during the school year . Course offerings are enrollment dependent . There will be an additional fee for this course .
Multilingual Learners [ ML ] ( EL )
Qualifying Multilingual Learners will be placed in the appropriate English Language ( EL ) course ( s ). This placement is based on state and district test scores and teacher recommendation . Your child will earn graduation credit for EL courses . For more information about the ML program , please see the Assistance for Students section in this guide or contact your child ’ s school .
Do you have high functional ability in both English and another language ? Read about how you could qualify to earn the Minnesota Bilingual / Multilingual Seal and possibly college credit . See page 19 in the “ Earn College Credit in High School ” section .
44 High School Registration Guide