2025-26 High School Registration Guide | Page 42

Honors Physics 9 Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS Intended Audience : Grade 9 enrolled in the CEMS program at BHS Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Explore the Physics of Sports / Motion , Energy , Electricity , Music / Waves
• Investigate real world physics phenomena related to cars & driving , sports , roller coasters , insturments , motors , electronic devices , and beyond
• Construct solutions to engaging and relevant problems
• Uncover the fundamental laws that govern the universe
Projects , Activities , etc .: Voice-over ( broadcast ) physics of a sporting event , calculating the safety of car collisions , developing musical insturments , creating and using circuits and motors to solve an engineer challenge . Instructional Focus : Problem-based , collaborative , and hands-on laboratory investigation with conceptual and mathematical foundations .
Computer Skills for Engineers CEMS Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS Intended Audience : Grade 9 enrolled in the CEMS program at BHS Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Major Outcomes :
• Proficiency in spreadsheet , presentation , word processing applications
• Introduction to programming Projects , Activities , etc .: Projects in Microsoft Office Suite ( PowerPoint , Word , Excel ) and coding robots Instructional Focus : Hands-on computerized activities and Microsoft Office software Co-curricular Connection : BPA
PLTW Honors Introduction to Engineering Design [ Students may earn Articulated College Credit ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS / CRHS Intended Audience : Grades 9 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Meets arts requirement [ 1.0 credit ] PLTW college credit can be earned Major Outcomes :
• Introduction to engineering design
• Problem solving using design development process
• Process of product design
• Develop , create and analyze product models Projects , Activities , etc .: Engage in engineering animations Instructional Focus : Use computer 3-D modeling software for design and projects
Honors English 9 CEMS Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS Intended Audience : Grade 9 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Reading and responding to CEMS related themes and ethical considerations in literature and informational texts
• Formal argument writing skills
• Research skills
• Multi-media group presentation skills
• Improved reading efficiency
• Large group discussion skills Project , Activities , etc .: Literary analysis writing , argumentative essay writing , Socratic Seminars , small group presentations , reading comprehension quizzes Instructional Focus : Organization of formal arguments , introduction to ethics , qualities of effective presentations , participation in open-ended large group discussion topics
Honors English 10 CEMS Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS Intended Audience : Grade 10 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Rhetorical analysis writing
• Interpretation and evaluation of literature and informational texts
• Understanding of fiction and non-fiction
• Growth-based model of learning to read and write critically
• Process Essay writing
• Video Storytelling Projects , Activities , etc : Essay writing , video presentations , reading Literature and nonfiction Instructional Focus : Connections between rhetoric and CEMS , using video to tell a story , philosophical foundations for scientific discovery or technological progress .
PLTW Honors Engineering Design and Development [ Students may earn Articulated College Credit ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS Intended Audience : Grade 12 Credit : Three trimesters = 1.5 credits PLTW college credit can be earned Major Outcomes :
• Teams of students work together guided by the teacher and a community mentor to research design and construct a solution to an engineering problem
• Students will learn manufacturing skills to help in the development of their innovative project .
• Teams will participate in an end of course presentation event at BHS
Projects , Activities , etc .: Use research , experiments , and design techniques to aid in problem solving ; write and develop a final presentation using technology presentation tools
Chemistry for Engineering Prerequisite / Selection Process : None Intended Audience : Grades 10 , 11 and 12 students in an engineering program Credit : One trimester = 0.5 credit Major Outcomes : Building understanding of :
• Composition , structure , interactions between substances
• Measurement
• Compounds
• Atoms
• Chemical reactions
• Kinetic theory Projects , Activities , etc .: Lab work Instructional Focus : Rigorous high school-level concepts through small and large group lecture and lab activities
PLTW Honors Aerospace Engineering [ Students may earn Articulated College Credit ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Acceptance into CEMS at BHS Intended Audience : Grades 10 , 11 and 12 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit PLTW college credit can be earned Major Outcomes :
• Introduction to aerodynamics design and testing
• Flight systems and aerospace materials
• Space life sciences and astronautics Instructional Focus : Experiments , project testing and field trips Projects , Activities , etc .: Gliders , flight simulator , model rockets , wind turbine , orbital mechanics modeling , Mars Rover robotics Instructional Focus : Students explore fundamentals of flight in air and space through designing and testing components related to aerospace engineering .
42 High School Registration Guide