2025-26 High School Registration Guide | Page 25


Assistance for Students

Individual Education Plan [ IEP ]
The IEP team shall identify needed accommodations to facilitate student participation in mainstream curriculum requirements . Students with significant disabilities for whom the IEP team determines the regular curriculum is not appropriate will have modified or alternative curriculum . All students will participate in district and statewide assessments for graduation . However , the IEP team determines which assessments are appropriate including if the student will participate in an alternate assessment designed by the state . The IEP team will determine which graduation required assessment is appropriate .
Students on an IEP will be provided reasonable accommodations to participate in these assessments and the IEP team will set targets to measure the student ’ s progress toward graduation .
A multi-disciplinary team that includes the parent [ s ] or guardian [ s ] of the student will develop an IEP inclusive of transition planning . The IEP will define each student ’ s educational program and graduation requirements . The IEP will be reviewed and revised annually . The amount and type of support will be based upon the student ’ s educational needs as defined by the IEP team .
Special Education
The Anoka-Hennepin School District provides educational programming to students with disabilities from birth to age 22 . State and federal laws define categories of disabilities as follows :
• Autism Spectrum Disorders
• Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
• Deaf / Hard of Hearing
• Deaf / Blind
• Other Health Disability
• Physically Impaired
• Specific Learning Disability
• Speech or Language Impaired
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• Blind / Visually Impaired
• Developmental Cognitive Disability
• Severely Multiply Impaired
Section 504 Accommodation
Students who demonstrate a substantial limitation in a major life function , such as talking , learning or socialization are eligible for an Accommodation Plan . Parents are invited to participate in identification and development of the plan for their child .
The plan will describe accommodations which the team has determined to be necessary to allow the student to access instruction , such as modified assignments , untimed tests , adaptive equipment , assigned seating , or adjusted schedule .
Students who are placed on an Accommodation Plan will participate in state and local assessments . The Accommodation Plan must identify accommodations necessary for the student ’ s participation in the state and district-wide assessment .
Multilingual Learners ( ML )
Multilingual Learners ( ML ) ( formerly EL ) The Anoka- Hennepin School District provides specific educational programming for ML students who qualify for English Language Services . Students may qualify to receive English Language services if they meet one or more of the following criteria : [ 1 ] The student first learned a language other than or in addition to English , [ 2 ] A language other than English is most often spoken in the home , or [ 3 ] The student usually speaks a language other than English .
The English Language program in Anoka-Hennepin promotes students ’ growth in academic English .
Students are given the ACCESS assessment on an annual basis to determine continued eligibility for English Language services . If you have questions , consult your counselor .
High School Registration Guide 25