2025-26 High School Registration Guide | Page 22

After High School


Admission Requirements for Minnesota Colleges and Universities
Listed below are general admission requirements for a variety of Minnesota post-secondary programs . You can use this information when making your registration choices , but it is your responsibility to check specific requirements for any college where you are planning on applying .
Technical and Community Colleges : www . minnstate . edu
Minnesota ’ s technical and community colleges have “ open admission ,” which means that they accept any student with a high school diploma or GED . ACT or SAT test scores are not required ; however , these schools may have their own placement tests . You may be accepted at any of these schools , but if you do not test into college-level courses , you will be required to take “ developmental ” courses before earning college credits . Also , many of these schools have popular programs with waiting lists ; therefore applying early is always a good decision .
College Admission Information State College Admission Requirements
Minnesota public colleges and universities are aligned with either the University of Minnesota ( U of M ) systems or the Minnesota State College and University system . While both systems have their own admissions processes , they each have a core set of prerequisites that students are expected to complete before beginning their study .
In addition to G . P . A . and standardized test score considerations , both systems have the following course completion requirements for high school graduates :
• Four years of English
• Three years of math
• Three years of science
• Two years of a single world language
• One year of a visual and / or performing arts Each system has additional clarifiers about their core course expectations and schools and colleges within these systems may have additional requirements . In addition , each system will have additional information about community technical college options that are available .
To learn more about the U of M requirements and for campus locations , please visit their website at http :// admissions . tc . umn . edu / freshman / overview . html
To learn more about the Minnesota State requirements and for campus locations , please visit their website at http :// minnstate . edu / admissions / index . html
Private And Out-Of-State College Admission Requirements
Private and out- of-state colleges and universities may have different admission requirements . For more detailed information , please contact the college you are interested in attending for admission requirements . Additional information on the requirements for private schools within the state of Minnesota can be found at : www . mnprivatecolleges . com
NCAA Eligibility Center
To be certified by the Eligibility Center , you must : Access information and application directly from the NCAA Eligibility Center web site : www . eligibilitycenter . org
All District 11 high school students will have access to SCOIR . This web-based program provides individual career assessments , resume building and college search / information . Through the use of this program , high school students will be able to start planning for their post-secondary goals through a series of school-based activities and on their own .
22 High School Registration Guide