2025-26 High School Registration Guide | Page 19

Earn College Credit


College credit options are available to all high school students . Classes that can earn you college credit can be found in both required and elective areas . Studies show that students who complete some college credit in high school are more likely to attend college and graduate with a certificate , diploma or degree . Classes that can earn college credit are found by looking for one of the following codes in their title as shown in this registration guide .

Advanced Placement [ AP ]

This is a college-level course that requires students to work at a high level of rigor and complete additional work outside of class . AP classes prepare you for the college experience .
Benefits :
• Expectations and pace of classes closely match college experience
• An AP exam score may earn you college credit
• AP is recognized by post-secondary schools around the nation
• A grade of “ C ” or better earns a weighted grade
Eligibility :
• AP classes available in grades 9 , 10 , 11 , and 12
• Students should have strong reading and writing skills and plan on additional time outside of class for reading and assignments .
• Some classes may have prerequisites
How to earn college credit :
• Take the AP exam in May . Many colleges award credit for scores of 3 or higher ( scores range from 1-5 )
• Check the website of the college you may attend to determine the credit policy

Articulated Credit [ AC ]

Articulated credit classes are career related courses taught in high school . Articulated Credit is intended to provide technical and community college credit to students while they are attending high school classes .
Benefits :
• Can earn technical and / or community college credits
• Stay in your own high school
• Explore career opportunities through high school courses
Eligibility :
• AC classes available in grades 9 , 10 , 11 , and 12
• Specific course outcomes required to earn AC
How to earn college credit :
• Classroom teacher provides course requirements to earn AC
• Students register at www . ctecreditmn . com
• Class teacher indicates on the website if student earned AC when the course is completed
Other information :
• Certificates are awarded to students who have earned college credits . The certificate is converted to college credit when the student enrolls and completes at least one semester course at the college listed on the certificate .
• Certificates are good for three to five years . Students should check with the college listed on the certificate .
• Students need to check with the college of their choice for specific criteria in a program or major .
• Colleges other than the listed colleges may accept AC credits depending on their criteria and program offerings . The student needs to check with the individual colleges .
• For more information about AC , visit www . ctecreditmn . com or talk to your counselor
Articulated Credit may be used at :
• Anoka Technical College
• Anoka-Ramsey Community College
• Hennepin Community College
• St . Cloud Technical College
• Possibly other institutions
High School Registration Guide 19