2025-26 BROCHURE CMYK | Page 5


Your safety and wellbeing are our primary concerns . We guarantee quality personal service and support - before , during , and after your exchange .
The first step towards becoming an exchange student is to start the application process by completing a no-obligation pre-application form found on our website . We will require you and your parents to attend one of our free online Information Meetings , before proceeding with an interview and being accepted onto your exchange . The Your . Education team in New Zealand will then guide you through the application process and prepare you for your departure .
An important part of our application process is an online interview with one of our team . This is a chance for us to get to know you better and to ensure you have the right motivation and expectations . Once you have applied , you and your parents will be invited to this interview , where you can find out more about the programme and discuss why you want to study overseas .
Once you are enrolled in the programme , you will need to fill in a country-specific application so that we can begin working on matching you with an appropriate and carefully screened host family . We will notify you as soon as we have found a host family , which usually happens a few weeks before you depart . This gives you time to contact and build a relationship with them before you start your exchange .
Preparation is the key to a successful exchange experience . Our preparation process involves you and your parents . You will receive preparation material and handbooks . You and your parents will also participate in a compulsory orientation meeting before you travel to your host country .
Your host family will be a major source of support for you while you are abroad . They will welcome you as a member of the family and help you deal with any homesickness or other issues you may face . They will also introduce you to the community and show you around . All of our host families are rigorously screened and prepared .
At your new school , you will also quickly make friends who want to help and support you , as well as invite you to join them in their social activities .
A local representative will provide you with any support necessary throughout your exchange programme . These representatives are experienced with exchange programmes and most of them have hosted students themselves . They often arrange fun activities and gatherings for the Your Education students in their area , such as visits to special places .
You can always contact your local representative directly if you need assistance .
You will be provided with contact details and information about who to reach out to in your new country . The staff from the local office will contact you and are always available if you need assistance . We are also available in New Zealand for your parents to contact if they need any help .
Upon completing your exchange , you will receive a completion certificate confirming that you have successfully completed your programme .
Stay involved by sharing your story with future Your Education students at Information Meetings and school visits . Provide advice to students who are applying for the programme and help us prepare new students for their upcoming exchange . This will provide you with valuable public speaking skills and allow you to keep your exchange experience alive by sharing it with others .
Joining our Returnee Rewards also enables you to meet up with other past exchange students and share experiences and memories .