2024 yearbook supplement | Page 18

Grade 5 Writing Projects How am I growing in Christ ? By : Mariah B .

In this paper , I will talk about how I ’ ve grown in Christ this year . Growing in Christ is something that any Christian can do but it is very hard and takes time . Being able to grow is a sign of strength .
This paragraph is about how I have grown this past year . One big thing I have done this year is accept Christ ! That means Jesus died on the cross for my sins , and now I can go to heaven and live with Him forever !! Another way I have grown this year is faith . I have a confidence in God that I didn ’ t have before ! The last area is prayer . I now pray regularly . I usually pray quietly , alone in my room .
Now , I will talk about areas that I am working on changing . The first thing I am working on is controlling my temper . I can take deep breaths when I feel myself getting angry . Another thing I am working on is including people by inviting them to hang out at recess and lunch . Another thing I am working on is doing better on memory verses . I am practicing them more .
Now I am going to talk about what I would like to change . One thing I like to change is how I speak to people for instance , when I get annoyed . Another thing I would like to change is that I would like to be more understanding . The last thing I would like to change is to tell more people about Christ and the Bible .
The verse I chose for this essay is : “ But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . To him be glory both now and forever ! Amen !” 2 Peter 3:18 . The reason I chose this verse is because it is about growing in Christ .
So those are the things I have changed , I am working on , and what I would like to change . This essay was a good example of self-awareness . I hope you enjoyed reading my essay !