2024 Visit Sitka Meetings & Conventions Guide 3 | Page 22

Calendar of Events

Plan your meeting so it coincides with one of Sitka ’ s annual events ! Find out more and explore events when you scan the QR code .
Russian Christmas and Starring , St . Michael ’ s Cathedral 
 Celebrate the Feast of the Nativity , or “ Russian Christmas ,” with weeklong festivities , including caroling , feasts , and sharing the holiday spirit . oca . org / parishes / oca-ak-sitsmk 

Sitka Jazz Festival Enjoy world-class jazz provided by professional jazz musicians and talented students . sitkajazzfestival . com 

Sitka Wearable Art Show 
 Come watch locals share their wearable art on the runway , showcasing outfits made of everything from disco balls to fish bones . sitkaartscouncil . org 

Herring Return Every spring , witness the abundant wildlife as herring gather to spawn in Sitka Sound , turning the blue waters a milky green . adfg . alaska . gov
Heritage & Cultural Tourism Conference This conference gathers professionals and business owners from across the state to discuss cultural tourism development . facebook . com / TourismConference 

Ocean Wave Quilters Guild Show See an array of stunning quilted creations , and vote for your favorites at the local Quilters Guild . facebook . com / groups / oceanwave 

Sitka Salmon Derby 
 Catch prize-winning fish in this angling competition on the sparkling waters of Sitka Sound . facebook . com / Sitka-Salmon- Derby-219533411398857
Porch Fest
Family-friendly music and arts festival that includes live performance stages in the downtown core along Lincoln Street . The event includes musical and dance performances , art workshops , an art walk and food vendors . sitkaartscouncil . org / porchfest

Sitka Music Festival 
 Enjoy Alaska ’ s premier classical music festival , where the best musicians from around the world gather for four weeks of concerts in Sitka . sitkamusicfestival . org 

Sitka Fine Arts Camp 
 This creatively rich program develops artistic interests and skills within an intensive residential experience for all ages . fineartscamp . org 

Sitka Farmer ’ s Market First Saturday of the month .
Fourth of July Celebration 
 Join the celebration of our nation ’ s birthday , featuring a parade , a Coast Guard search and rescue demonstration , and the Sitka Fire Department versus Coast Guard water fight . sitkachamber . com 

Alpine Adventure Run 
 Ascend 2,500 feet within the first few miles , traverse a rockslide , and climb over hills and valleys in this seven-mile mountain run ! facebook . com / Alpine-Adventure-Run-Sitka- Alaska-224092674299355
Sitka International Cello Seminar
This event showcases top collegiate cellists from around the world who offer public performances . sitkamusicfestival . org /

Sitka Farmer ’ s Market First Saturday of the month .
Change Your Latitude , 57 ° North Open Water Challenge 
 Still the northernmost open ocean race in the United States , this event is a combined 10k / 6k / 3k / 1k open water swim in Sitka Sound . changeyourlatitude . org

Alaska Day Festival Commemorate the transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States with a reenactment ceremony on Baranof Castle Hill , a period costume ball , a parade , and more . alaskadayfestival . org 

Sitka Whalefest Take in presentations by worldrenowned marine scientists and experience whale watching cruises , concerts , art shows , and a marinethemed market at this multiday festival . sitkawhalefest . org 

Native American Heritage Month Over the month of November , celebrations of Alaska Natives , storytellers , and films will be held , as well as a regalia showcase , parade , and events to honor elders and veterans . sitkatribe . org 

Sitka Artisans Market This vibrant event features artists , authors , craftspeople , musicians , and cuisine to showcase the diversity of Sitka ’ s local creativity . 

Mudball Classic Softball Tournament
This annual Labor Day weekend tournament -- played rain or shine -- is open for men ’ s , women ’ s , and coed softball teams . facebook . com / groups / SitkaSoftball / events