2024 UK Coaching Awards Brochure | Page 21

Lifetime Achievement Award

John Shedden ( Snowsports )

UK Coaching Awards 2024
John Shedden is a thought leader and pioneer in UK snowsports , with a career spanning over five decades . His commitment and innovative thinking have transformed the coaching landscape through his work as a coach , author , coach developer and podcaster , shaping the careers of coaches across several Olympic sports .
In the mid-1970s , John revolutionised snowsports by developing the UK ’ s first National Coaching Scheme and establishing the English Junior Ski Squad . His ‘ Skilful Performance ’ PET model , which linked sensory perception , emotional state , and motor output , introduced a personalised approach to athlete development .
He has also challenged traditional race training by introducing long-term planning and periodisation , using his innovative 5-stage coaching method .
John ’ s many achievements include creating access for children to learn to ski on local artificial slopes and pathways to personal and international excellence including Dennis Edwards and Nick Fellows , Sarah Lewis and Hayden Scott . He has impacted the lives of hundreds who have gone on to become outstanding athletes , coaches , officials , and volunteers within the sport .
He continues to contribute to the coaching community through the award-winning Locked In Shed podcast and has written five books and numerous educational resources that have influenced the sport ’ s governance and athlete pathways .
As a mentor , his influence extends across generations , particularly among parent coaches . Phil Smith , a parent and coach trained by John , recently wrote : “ The boys ’ success is very much down to the skill-based skiing which you promoted your whole career and influenced so many coaches such as myself , with this being passed forwards to the next generation . You need to know what a huge influence you had .”
John ’ s contributions have left an indelible mark on snowsports and continue to shape its future .