2024 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus 2024 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus_D7 NEW | Page 8

Press Release Distribution
Deliver your organization ’ s breaking news to RBMA members through our weekly eNewsletter RadCast in the corporate releases section .
One-Time Deployment Sponsor Rate : $ 300
Website Banner Ads *
Get noticed fast ! Advertise with a banner ad on the RBMA website . With over 500 hits per day , the RBMA website is the perfect venue to reach radiology business professionals .
Format : Animated or static GIF or JPG
LOCATION RBMA Homepage – Leaderboard ( Above Header ) ( 970x90 pixels ) – Rotating – 6 advertisements max RBMA Subpages – Leaderboard ( Above Header ) ( 970x90 pixels ) – Rotating – 6 advertisements max COMBO RBMA Homepage & Subpages Leaderboard ( 970x90 pixels ) – Rotating – 6 advertisements max RBMA Homepage – Middle Feature ( 970x90 pixels ) Rotating – 3 advertisements max RBMA Subpages ( all , right column ) ( 300x300 pixels )
RATE $ 7,000 per quarter
$ 25,000 per year $ 6,000 per quarter
$ 20,000 per year $ 10,000 per quarter
$ 30,000 per year $ 5,000 per quarter $ 15,000 per year $ 2,500 per month
RBMA Forum – Digest eMail + Landing Page Ad
RBMA ’ s online forums enable attendees to connect with colleagues , ask questions most pertinent to their needs , and receive immediate , actionable feedback and solutions .
Leverage the opportunity to promote your brand , directly delivered to RBMA members daily , by running this footer ad on all Connect RBMA emails – digest and real-time – as well as a banner ad on the RBMA Connect home page !
Average of 16,250 viewed emails per month OPPORTUNITY
Connect RBMA ( Forum ) Ads - 1 Month
RATE In Post ( Exclusive Ad Location ) - $ 4,000
Bottom Banner ( Exclusive Ad Location ) - $ 3,000 In Post & Bottom Banner ( Email Exclusivity ) - $ 5,500