2024 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus 2024 RBMA Sponsor Prospectus_D7 NEW | Page 5

Your investment goes further with Sponsorship !


Sponsors not only have access to exclusive sponsor-only opportunities , but they also enjoy the lowest pricing on all marketing opportunities !
Booth ( PaRADigm )
$ 4,700 Incl . 2 reps
$ 3,600 Incl . 4 reps
$ 3,100 Incl . 4 reps
Premium Booth Upgrade ( Included for Gold & Platinum ) $ 650 $ 550 $ 450 Meterboard ( price per side ; $ 250 discount for two sides ) $ 1,250 $ 1,000 $ 750 Exhibit Hall Traffic Generator Scratch Off Game $ 500 $ 400 $ 300
Logo Upgrade ( Exhibitor Guide ) $ 300 $ 250 Included
Conference Attendee Lists * ( Sent twice – 1 month prior to conference & 1-week post conference )
$ 500 $ 400 $ 300
Exhibitor Guide Double Page Spread $ 3,000 $ 2,500 $ 1,800 Exhibitor Guide Full Page Ad $ 1,500 $ 1,250 $ 1,000 Exhibitor Guide Half Page Ad $ 1,200 $ 1,000 $ 600 eFlash ( Promotional Email , Limits apply dependent on tier ) $ 1,500 $ 1,250 $ 1000 Mailing List ( One Time Use )
$ 1,000 /$ 2,000
Members / Members & Non-Members
$ 750 /$ 1,750 Members / Members & Non-Members
$ 500 /$ 1500 Members / Members & Non-Members
Conference Essentials Kit Insert ( Attendee Conference Bag ) $ 3,000 $ 2,500 $ 2,000 Press Release N / A N / A $ 300 each Tabletop ( ACR-RBMA Practice Leadership Forum ) NOW SPONSORS ONLY N / A N / A $ 3,000 Tabletop ( RBMA Fall Meeting “ SYNC ”) N / A N / A $ 2,000 Additional Opportunities Identified in the Prospectus N / A N / A Varies

Your investment goes further with Sponsorship !

Sample : 1 Booth Meterboard Game Pre & Post List Exhibitor Guide Full Page Ad
Savings :
As a Corporate Partner : $ 6,650 As a Sponsor : $ 5,450
Total Saved : $ 1,200