SYNC , our newest boutique meeting , will focus on niche areas of Radiology Management , including Technology , AI and Practice Growth Opportunities . RBMA expects 75-100 attendees for this meeting . SYNC will feature a limited number of tabletop exhibits and the meeting schedule will allow for focused time with your buying audience . The meeting welcome reception , refreshment breaks , educational sessions and extended luncheons are inclusive of exhibitor reps for extended networking time with attendees . Meet with qualified prospects .
• Limited to twelve ( 12 ) maximum vendors so you have more dedicated one-on-one time with attendees
• Attend valuable networking opportunities throughout the conference
Who Attends ?
Conference attendee responsibilities include :
• Practice Administrators • Chief Technology / Information Officer
What ’ s included in your sponsorship fee ?
• C-Suite Decision Makers
• A 6-foot table , two chairs and electricity
• Two complimentary Exhibit staff badges per tabletop display
• Exhibit staff are invited to all conference special event / meal functions and can attend all educational sessions . RBMA encourages interaction between exhibitors and attendees outside of the exhibits .
SYNC Sponsorship Opportunities
Innovator Level SYNC Sponsor
Visionary Level SYNC Sponsor
Early Adopter Level SYNC Sponsor
✓ Includes acknowledgment as a top tier sponsor and supporter of the SYNC meeting
✓ Select one Exclusive special event sponsorship of your choice ( FCFS ): Welcome Reception , Lunch ( 2 ), Wine Down ✓ Logo on signage , meeting website , drink tickets , and all conference collateral as top-tier sponsor ✓ One highlighted sponsor feature in a marketing email ✓ Two push notifications on the SYNC meeting app ✓ Tabletop exhibit and first round of table location selection
( based on level and contract ratification date )
✓ Includes acknowledgment as a middle tier sponsor and supporter of the SYNC meeting
✓ Select one Exclusive special event sponsorship of your choice
( FCFS ): Opening Keynote , Breakfast ( 2 ), Closing Keynote ✓ Logo on signage and meeting website ✓ One push notification on the SYNC meeting app ✓ Includes a tabletop exhibit and second round of table location selection ( based on level and contract ratification date ) ✓ Includes acknowledgment as a third-tier sponsor and supporter of the SYNC meeting ✓ Logo on meeting website ✓ Includes a tabletop exhibit and third round of table selection
$ 4,000
Four opportunities available
Exclusive Option
Included !
$ 3,000
Four opportunities available
Exclusive Option
Included !
$ 2,000
Four opportunities available