SILVER $ 5,000 BRONZE $ 3,500
SEBC Shuttle Bus All attendees need transportation- think of the benefits of putting your message in front of attendees each time they take the shuttle bus between their hotel and the convention center ! Your logo will also appear on signage featuring bus schedules placed in participating hotels .
SEBC Program Your company will benefit from excellent exposure on the front cover footer , a full-page ad on the back cover , and logo featured in the center spread of the 2024 SEBC Official Event Program .
Aurora Awards Reception Looking to join in on the celebration during the Aurora Gala ? Your company logo will be featured on the bars and drink napkins during either the pre-Gala cocktail reception or during the Afterglow reception on the most glamours night of SEBC .
Expo Hall Lounge The SEBC Expo Hall Lounges are where everyone goes to hangout , get off their feet , and chill with a drink in their hand . These happening spots include a full service cash bar and comfortable seating . Your logo will be displayed in one of the lounges as well as on the expo hall map in the SEBC Show Program and mobile app .
Information Desk The SEBC Information Desk is the first place attendees stop to ask questions about education credits , where they can find their classes , and directions to the Expo Hall . Your logo will be front and center on the Information Desk signage .
SEBC Mobile App Put your company ’ s information in the hands and on the top of the mind of every SEBC attendee using their phone to navigate the show ! The official SEBC mobile app is the fastest , easiest way to access the show floor , event schedules , convention center and hotel maps , and a direct link to your company . Your company will be splashed across header images on all areas of the mobile app .
Coffee Break Everyone needs a jump start in the morning . Capture your audience , in the Education Hall , as one of two exclusive Coffee Break Sponsors .
Education Session | 3 of 4 Available Place your company at the front of the class with SEBC ’ s Education Sponsorships . We host nationally recognized industry experts who provide two full-days of education , where residential and commercial builders can earn up to 14 CEUs . Four Options To Choose From : Building & Design , Business Management , Sales & Marketing , or CEU Accreditaed Tracks .
Food Court Tabletop Graphics Place your company message directly on the OCCC tabletops in each concession area utilized by SEBC . The images will be four-color highresolution graphics affixed directly on the tables . Each sponsorship includes four tables .