2024 NEA Sports Magazine Football Preview 2024 NEA Sports Magazine Football Preview | Page 40

than me . But I ’ m super proud of how far she ’ s came , and she gets better every year . It ’ s fun for me to go watch her play . Our relationship has always been good together never fighting and always supportive of each other . She ’ s my biggest supporter in everything I do . She ’ s always the loudest one screaming and cheering for me , and I try to be the same way for her . I could go on and on about her , but I couldn ’ t be luckier to have Hayden as my twin sister .” Of course Hayden was incredibly complimentary of her brother as well . “ My brother is a very successful baseball and football player . I ’ ve grown up watching him succeed in multiple sports . He works very hard every day , and I have very proud of him . Drew and I have always been very close . We always support each other at every single game . I will always be cheering him on .”
It is going to be a fun season watching the Gartman twins live out their final year of high school sports . Valley View has been fortunate to have them both and before it is all said and done , the Gartman ’ s will have helped bring home more gold to the Blazer campus .
East on the gridiron over the last few seasons . Folks know Drew can run , but many don ’ t realize the type of impact gun slinging arm that he possesses . “ I definitely think some people will be surprised by my arm and not just my speed . I ’ m ready to show off my arm strength and accuracy and throw on the run ability . The biggest thing I ’ ve worked on this offseason is doing some type of throwing with a football every day and some days getting the receivers out after practice and running routes .”
Hayden has mentioned learning from her past through the loss in the state finals . She hopes to instill that type of confidence in the underclassman , and she looks to help lead her peers on an off the floor through her own journey over the last two years on the hardcourt . “ I was a starting libero my sophomore year , and I was so scared of making mistakes . Being scared of making a mistake will only cause you to make more mistakes . This year if I make a mistake , I am instantly focused on the next play . I will not let myself crumble all because of one mistake .” Hayden hopes to teach that but continue to show her strong work ethic in leading by example . “ I go has hard as I can every single practice . I want to be the person who puts in the most effort every single day .”
The twins have obviously been together since day one . They support and back each other in all that they do . They share a bond that can only be understood by themselves . “ Hayden ’ s a pretty good athlete ,” explained Drew . “ She always impresses me with the crazy plays she makes in volleyball , and she ’ s always been better at shooting the basketball