Ideal for : Areas near water features or freshwater shoreline edges with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight and moist , but not waterlogged soils .
Ironweed ( Vernonia noveboracensis )
Height 5 ’ Spread 3 ’
This is a lovely , tall beauty that blooms from late August- October . It favors growing along the coast and provides much needed late season nectar .
Lanceleaf Coreopsis ( Coreopsis lanceolata )
Height 2 ’ Spread 1 ’
Expect this plant to spread its charm throughout your garden as it freely self-flows . Locally , it is a host plant for seven different butterflies and moths .
Swamp Sunflower ( Helianthus angustifolia )
Height 7 ’ Spread 3 ’
Sunflowers are keystone plants , supporting 66 different wildlife species in our area . They bloom from July until frost and will spread by underground rhizomes , forming an ever-enlarging patch .
DESIGN TIPS Place swamp sunflower in the back and ironweed in the middle . You could also alternate sunflower and ironweed . Place lanceleaf coreopsis in the front .
SEASONAL NOTE All plants are perennials and will go dormant in the winter unless otherwise noted . To keep your garden looking great year-round , consider adding native evergreen shrubs , grasses , and palms . They provide structure , color , and texture even during the dormant season .