2024 National Limousin Sale and Genetics on Ice Benefit Auction 2024_COMBINED_FINAL | страница 6

Dear Limousin Friends ,

It is with much excitement and anticipation this sale team invites you to look through this impressive assimilation of genetics for the 2024 National Limousin Sale .
As you flip through this catalog you will realize exactly why we are excited . The goal of this sale was to assemble a truly unique set of elite Limousin and Lim-Flex genetics from leading producers across the continent .
We want to congratulate all those involved in this sale for their willingness to work together to make this an event where we will celebrate the many positives in and around this breed .
Thanks to the efforts of many , most especially the premier producers from across this continent , we feel this sale is a more than appropriate way to kick of the new year and usher in the 2024 sale season . As you study this sale book , it will become evident that breeder ’ s bought into this philosophy and dug deep into their genetic arsenals to offer seedstock that are truly worthy of carrying the moniker , “ Elite .”
From major league herd sire prospects , to proven donors , to fancy open heifers , to embryo packages never offered before , the lots presented here are “ the best of the best .”
We look forward to working with both buyers and sellers to help each achieve their goals . If we can be of any assistance prior to or during the sale , please do not hesitate to contact any capable member of this marketing team .
On behalf of each and every consignor as well as the marketing team , we appreciate your interest in the offering assembled for the 2024 National Limousin Sale . We look forward to seeing you in Oklahoma City , Oklahoma .
KILEY MCKINNA 402-350-3447 WILEY FANTA 320-287-0751 mcmarketingsales @ aol . com www . mcmarketingmanagement . com
RANDY RATLIFF 615-330-2735 randy @ rrmktg . com www . rrmktg . com