Funded by the Georgia Lottery for Education , the Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally ( HOPE ) program has awarded over $ 4.7 billion in financial aid to over 2 million Georgia students attending eligible state public and private universities and public technical schools since 1993 .
The HOPE Scholarship is a merit-based award available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement . A Hope Scholarship recipient must graduate from high school with a minimum 3.0 grade point average and maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative postsecondary grade point average to remain eligible .
The Zell Miller Scholarship is also a merit-based award available to Georgia residents , similar to the HOPE Scholarship , but with more stringent academic requirements and a higher level of tuition assistance . A Zell Miller Scholarship recipient must graduate from high school with a minimum 3.7 grade point average combined with a minimum SAT score of 1,200 on the math and reading portions or a minimum composite ACT score of 26 in single national test administration . Students must maintain a minimum 3.3 cumulative postsecondary grade point average to remain eligible . Students are provided full-tuition assistance while pursuing an undergraduate degree .
For more information on eligibility requirements , program applications , award amounts , participating institutions and other program-specific information , visit gafutures . org .
Atlanta Metropolitan State College ATLM . edu
Dalton State College DaltonState . edu
Georgia College GCSU . edu
Georgia Gwinnett College GGC . edu
Georgia State University
GSU . edu
Georgia Institute of Technology GATech . edu
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw . edu
Life University Life . edu
Middle Georgia State University
MGA . edu
University of Georgia UGA . edu
University of North Georgia
UNG . edu
University of West Georgia
WestGA . edu
Athens Technical College AthensTech . edu
Atlanta Technical College AtlantaTech . edu
Augusta Technical College AugustaTech . edu
Chattahoochee Technical College ChattahoocheeTech . edu
Georgia Northwestern Technical College GNTC . edu
Gwinnett Technical College GwinnettTech . edu
Lanier Technical College LanierTech . edu
North Georgia Technical College NorthGATech . edu
Southern Crescent Technical College SCTech . edu
West Georgia Technical College WestGATech . edu
Agnes Scott College AgnesScott . edu
American InterContinental University AIUniv . edu
Art Institue of Atlanta ArtInstitutes . edu / Atlanta
Berry College Berry . edu
Brenau University Brenau . edu
Clark Atlanta University CAU . edu
Georgia Military College GMC . edu
Emory University Emory . edu
Mercer University Mercer . edu
Morehouse College Morehouse . edu
Oglethorpe University Oglethorpe . edu
Point University Point . edu
Reinhardt University Reinhardt . edu
Savannah College of Art and Design SCAD . edu
Shorter University Shorter . edu
Spelman College Spelman . edu
Wesleyan College WesleyanCollege . edu
Young Harris College YHC . edu