Silver Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Hole-in-One Sponsor
Individual Player
Add-Ons *
Sponsorship & Registration
Silver Sponsor
1 ticket for the Big Drawing , tee sponsorship , one team in tournament , our annual commemorative item for each team member , sponsor recognition in program and Alaska CHARR - the Magazine
$ 900
Gold Sponsor
2 tickets for the Big Drawing , hole sponsorship , one team in tournament , our annual commemorative item for each team member , sponsor recognition in program and Alaska CHARR - the Magazine
$ 1500
Platinum Sponsor
4 tickets for the Big Drawing , hole sponsorship , two teams in tournament , our annual commemorative item for each team member , banner at event , sponsor recognition in program and Alaska CHARR - the Magazine
$ 3000
Hole-in-One Sponsor
8 tickets for the Big Drawing , sponsorship of prize hole , tee sponsorship , two teams in tournament , our annual commemorative item for each team member banner at event , advertising and sponsor recognition in program and Alaska CHARR - the Magazine
Individual Player
$ 4000
$ 225
Add-Ons *
Please include quantity for Longest Drive , Closest to Pin and Mulligans
Longest Drive $ 25 ( split the pot , men ’ s and women ’ s ) Closest to the Pin $ 25 ( split the pot , men ’ s and women ’ s ) Mulligans ($ 25 each or 5 for $ 100 ) Drive the Pink Cart ! ( Enter your bid here starting at $ 100 ) Dinner for guests at 19th hole ( for non-players )
$ 25 x $ 25 x $ 25 x Bid $ $ 50 x
To register online , scan here or visit alaskacharr . com / golf-tournament . html