2024 KeHE Holiday Trends | Page 3



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KeHE Summer Show & Trends is published by KeHE Distributors , LLC 1245 E . Diehl Road , Suite 200-300 Naperville , IL 60563 . Copyright © 2024 KeHE Distributors , LLC . All rights reserved . The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising , promotional or editorial material . Advertisers , and / or their agents , assume the responsibility for all content of published advertisements and promotions ; and assume responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on the advertisement or promotion . Editorial contributors assume responsibility for their published works and assume responsibility for any claims against the publisher based on the published work . No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means , including information storage and retrieval systems , without permission in writing from the publisher . Editorial content may not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher . All correspondence and inquires should be addressed to Ads @ KeHE . com .

4 12 14 16 39 43 46 48 50 51 52

56 65 93 123 169 219 326

On Trend ® Award Winners
KeHE Care Trade
Map Policies
Shipper Showcase
Chilled Finds Plan-O-Grams
Frozen Finds Plan-O-Grams
Pallet Palooza
Stocking Stuffers
Health & Wellness Pavilion
International Pavilion
Adult Non-Alcoholic Pailiion & Plan-O-Gram
Explore Chicago
Embrace the Chill & Wellness
Fresh & Festive Pairings
Global Foodie & Holidays Flavors
Satisfy Seasonal Splurges
Sips of the Season
KeHE Holiday Show & Trends | October - December 2024 3