2024 KeHE Goodness Report | Page 15

KeHE ® is full of passionate people who are committed to making the company the best it can be . And KeHE is committed to helping everyone in the company expand their skills and grow in their roles . Here ’ s how we are finding and training the next generation of leaders .

New Leadership Model

This year , building on our updated Civility Code , we designed a new leadership model for FY25 that will give every employee , regardless of whether or not they manage others , the tools for success in our dynamic , expanding business .
This model is built around six keystone habits that any KeHE team member can exhibit to contribute to the company ’ s success .
These habits can guide leaders toward an effective balance between work and people on their journey to personal growth . The KeHE Leadership Model helps nurture our culture , ensuring our future leaders are as strong as today ’ s . KeHE ’ s Leadership Model is slated for rollout and training in FY25 and will set a new standard for what is expected of all KeHE employees .