Digital Daily Pulse | Investment : $ 6,700
At the start of each day , Conference attendees receive an email with a breakdown of that day ’ s activities and important reminders . Be among the first brands seen each day by attendees with this valuable digital opportunity .
Highlighted benefits include :
• Exclusive sponsor of one edition of Daily Pulse that will be emailed to all attendees .
• Sponsor feature within the newsletter up to 100 words of text .
• Logo or banner ad presence in email .
Afternoon Refreshers | Investment : $ 6,000
Place your brand in front of attendees at one of the most popular places to be at Conference . Cookies and refreshments will be served in the Expo during each afternoon refresher break . The sponsor may also provide branded napkins to be available with the treats .
Highlighted benefits include :
• Sponsor presence accompanying refresher cart and napkins
2024 ISPA CONFERENCE | Exposure Guide 8