As a non-cash and carry show , the ISPA Conference is where spa professionals from all around the globe convene to identify and interact with new products and companies they believe will be a fitting addition to their organization ’ s operations , retail space or treatment rooms .
The 2024 ISPA Conference , which will be held from April 23 – 25 at The Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix , AZ , is your chance to secure unrivaled exposure to our passionate and receptive community . Our attendees arrive with open and excited minds each year , making this event the ideal setting to expand your reach .
CONTACTS For booth sales , advertising and sponsorships : Lynne McNees | lynne . mcnees @ ispastaff . com
The exposure opportunities highlighted within this guide are available only to ISPA members . Investing in an ISPA membership provides a wealth of invaluable benefits in addition to these exposure opportunities including a complimentary listing in the ISPA Member Directory , unlimited ISPA Career Center job postings , access to more than 100 research studies and reports , a subscription to Pulse magazine and much more .
Rates : Standard ISPA Vendor Membership ISPA Premiere Vendor Membership $ 829 $ 1,115
2024 ISPA CONFERENCE | Exposure Guide 2