Little Ridge Intermediate School has over 700 students in 3rd through 5th grade . The school faced a challenge to keep children active during the school day . Traditional school play systems are generally designed to accommodate a wide age range , typically spanning ages 5 to 12 . However , a playground of that nature wouldn ’ t be suitable for Little Ridge ’ s older age ranges . We needed to get creative .
We started with a Modern City play system that ’ s perfect for keeping older children moving . The multi-level climbers , exciting slides , and spinning activities are specifically designed for the adventurous types . We added a traditional-looking PrimeTime play system but outfitted it with advanced SureGrip climbers that add dynamic movement as students climb across . Finally , we included the all new Catalina Climbing system as a freestanding activity that serves as a link to the play structure .
The entire play space is designed to keep students moving while providing areas where they can rest and socialize . It ’ s the perfect combination for both younger and older students who love to play !
1 Modern City # MCX3RI p140
2 PrimeTime ® Umbra Roof # 19758 Hex Roof p245
3 Catalina Climbing System |
# 19942 |
Catalina Climber Base |
p213 |
# 5213 |
Catalina Climber Arch |
p213 |
# 19945 |
Catalina 4 ’ Riser |
p213 |
# 19943 |
Catalina Cap |
p213 |
# 19944 |
Catalina 1 ’ Riser |
p213 |
4 HiRise Climber Link # 19885 p227