Forage planning worksheet
Need a customized forage recommendation ?
Complete the information below and email to forage . seed @ nutrien . com . You will be contacted by a Nutrien Ag Solutions ® representative with a forage recommendation suited to your needs .
Name : Company Name : Address : Phone : Fax : Email : Nutrien Ag Solutions rep : Retail Location :
Type of Livestock :
Size of operation : � 0-100 head � 100-200 � 200 +
What products and services interest you most ? � New , latest & best � Tried & true � Lowest price
Intended forage acres for 2022 planting :
Previous crop grown :
Are there concerns about residual herbicides ?
Herbicides and rates used in previous two years : � 2021 � 2022
Weed concerns :
What is your soil texture ? � Sandy �Loam �Silt �Clay
Your soil problem tends to be : �None �Saline � Flooding � Solonetzic �pH
What is the typical soil moisture in the stand ? � Dry � Moderate � Wet
What is your natural annual precipitation per year ? � < 8 " � 8-12 " � 12-16 " � 16-20 " � > 20 " � Irrigated
Planting equipment :
Packing : � On row � Random � None
Cover crop : Type Rate
1 . What is the primary intended use of this stand ? � HAY ( go to question 2 ) � GRAZING ( go to question 8 ) � DUAL PURPOSE ( complete questions 2 through 10 )
HAY 2 . Select your forage quality objective : � Dairy Quality � Beef Quality � Export Quality
3 . How many cuts do you expect to make per season ? 4 . Do you plan to graze the stand : � In Season � In the Fall
5 . Select the following as most important to your forage operation : ( 1 = most important , 4 = least important ) Durability / Longevity 1 2 3 4 Yield / Quality 1 2 3 4
6a . What is the targeted percentage of alfalfa in the stand ? %
6b . What is the targeted percentage of grass in the stand ? %
7 . Please list any preferred or excluded species : Preferred Excluded
GRAZING 8 . Rank important grazing seasons : ( 1 = most important , 4 = least important ) Spring 1 2 3 4 Summer 1 2 3 4 Fall 1 2 3 4 Winter 1 2 3 4
9 . How will the stand be grazed ? � Intensive rotation � Continually � Fall grazing / stockpile
10a . What is the targeted percentage of alfalfa in the stand ? %
10b . What is the targeted percentage of grass in the stand ? %
10c . Please list any preferred or excluded species : Preferred Excluded