Alfalfa blend
Master Blends : Pasture Low Moisture Zone
15 %
Alfalfa blend
Special use
Dualmaster *
Equimaster Dry
* Can be used for stockpiled forage ( standing fall-saved pasture or deferred grazing )
20 Low Moisture
Saline forage production tips
It ' s never an easy decision to rotate into perennial forages , especially on acres that have trouble supporting annual crops . If you do , start by selecting forages species that have the ability to germinate and survive in saline soils .
Spring Planting Tips
• Seed early if possible - March / April , into top 1 / 2 inch soil depth .
• Another option is frost seeding early spring , by broadcast seeding on frozen ground and harrowing to smooth out soil , increasing soil to seed contact .
• Soil crusting is a concern when soils dry up quickly , adding light cover crop such as barley will add yield and ground cover to help protect small forage plants and assist emerging seedlings .