Alfalfa blend
Alfalfa blend
Master Blends : Pasture Low Moisture Zone
0 %
Alfalfa blend
Plainsmaster *
Haymaster Grass *
5 %
Alfalfa blend
Seasonmaster *
Ranchmaster II *
* Can be used for stockpiled forage ( standing fall-saved pasture or deferred grazing )
Forage production tips
A productive forage crop requires careful planning . Consider the following , when preparing to plant forages :
Timing options
Early Spring : Excellent moisture and cool temperatures are good for establishment . There is limited opportunity for pre-seeding weed control and frost can be a hazard .
Late Spring - Early Summer : Moisture conditions may still be good and temperatures warmer . This timing allows for pre-seed weed control .
Fall dormant seeding : Seeds germinate the following spring when moisture is good and temperatures are cool . Frost damage may occur in spring . Fall dormant seeding is not recommended for legumes including alfalfa . Recommended planting time when soil temperature is consistently 2 degrees Celsius or lower .
Depth : Forage seed is generally small and therefore has little food reserves to support emergence . Forages should be seeded no deeper than one-half inch to three-quarter inches deep into a firm seedbed .
18 Low Moisture