Previously , only students enrolled in a CTE program were allowed on residential job sites . In an effort to not lose the students interested in the trades , FHBA worked with bill sponsors to identify an opportunity for those students not enrolled in a CTE program to still gain valuable real-world experience through hands-on training on the job site .
This FHBA priority bill allows 16-and 17-year-olds to work in residential construction trades once they have achieved OSHA-10 certification , and as long as they are supervised by someone who is 21 years old , has two years of experience in the area that they are supervising , and has an OSHA-10 certification as well .
The bill also requires the Office of Reimagining Education and Career Help to publish and disseminate a statewide CTE education asset map , which includes courses offered , budgets , workforce alignment , and dual enrollment opportunities among other areas of CTE education .
This priority legislation was passed in the final week of session and now awaits signature from Governor Ron DeSantis .
2024 FHBA Legislative Summary I 9