An applicant may sell , but not transfer ownership of , a residential structure or building located in the preliminary plat , before the final plat is approved by the local government . Additionally , SB 812 requires all local governments to create a master building permit program . Moreover , the bill provides that an applicant for a building permit may not obtain a temporary or final certificate of occupancy for each home until the final plat is approved by the local government and recorded in the public records .
This bill also authorizes an applicant to use a private provider to expedite the application process after a preliminary plat is approved and requires local governments to establish a registry of “ qualified contractors ” accessible to the local government for processing and expediting applications for preliminary plats . Finally , the bill provides that vested rights may be formed in a preliminary plat under certain circumstances .
Flood Damage Prevention SB 1766 by Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez ( R- Doral ) HB 749 by Representative Fabián Basabe ( R- Miami Beach ) Final Action : Died in Committee
For the second year in a row , legislators filed bills that gave local governments the authority to raise minimum free board requirements outside of flood plains . At the request of the FHBA , the Senate sponsor agreed to amend the bill to provide that local governments may set a “ voluntary minimum free board level .” Ultimately the House bill was never considered by its first committee of reference and the Senate bill languished in its final committee of reference , the Rules Committee . We suspect this bill will be back next session .
Environmental Management SB 738 by Senator Danny Burgess ( R – Zephyrhills ) HB 789 by Representative Toby Overdorf ( R – Palm City ) Final Action : Died on House Floor
This bill would have allowed an owner who is following any state permit or guidelines to clean up a brownfield or contaminated site to not be held liable unless there is an act of God , war , or owner is not following permitted activities . It also would have required nonindustrial stormwater ponds to have a horizontal to vertical slope ratio of 4:1 .
2024 FHBA Legislative Summary I 33