2024 FHBA Advocacy Briefing | Page 25

SB 328 by Senator Alexis Calatayud ( R – Miami ) HB 1239 by Representative Vicki Lopez ( R – Miami )
Final Action : Passed House : 112-0 Senate : 40-0

Affordable Housing

SB 328 by Senator Alexis Calatayud ( R – Miami ) HB 1239 by Representative Vicki Lopez ( R – Miami )

Final Action : Passed House : 112-0 Senate : 40-0

FHBA supported this expansive bill that serves as an enhancement of the monumental Live Local Act passed in 2023 .
Among many things , the bill opens up affordable housing units in multi-family units to rental and ownership units as long as 40 % of the units are rental AND affordable under the state statute .
Local governments will not be allowed to limit the floor area ratio under 150 % of the highest currently allowed floor area ratio in areas where this is regulated by the local government . These density requirements and height allowances do not include any bonus , variances , or other special exemptions as an incentive for development . Local governments however will be allowed to enforce height restrictions up to 150 % of the tallest building within one-quarter of a mile or three stories ( whichever is taller ) if the proposed development is adjacent to , on two or more sides , 25 or more single family residential units .
With this bill , local governments are also able to lower the parking lot size requirements if they are ¼ mile away from a transit stop , as well as requires local governments to reduce parking requirements by 20 % if they are within ½ mile from a major transportation hub under certain conditions .
The legislation will also require local governments to create and maintain published policy on its website that outlines their administrative procedures .
What ’ s more , the bill also adjusts the “ Missing Middle ” property tax exemptions and $ 100 million in funding to the Hometown Hero Program . FHBA is also pleased to report that full funding for the Sadowski Trust Fund is contained in the FY 24-25 budget . This includes $ 408 million , allotting $ 174 million for SHIP and $ 234 million to SAIL .
2024 FHBA Legislative Summary I 25