2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 50

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Clean Fuels

Materials for Clean Fuel

Generation Using Solar

Design and development of novel semiconducting materials systems for efficient , direct conversion of solar energy to chemical fuels , which allows solar energy to be stored and transported for on-demand use .

Competitive Advantage

• The research team specialises in using computational analysis and materials design to accelerate material discovery and deepen fundamental understanding . By collaborating with experimental researchers and integrating this computational analysis with multidisciplinary expertise across materials fabrication techniques , advanced characterisation and device testing , a holistic approach covering all stages from design to testing can be achieved .


• New materials that can absorb energy from sunlight and convert it to energy stored in chemical fuels
• Atomic-level understanding ( derived from computational studies ) of the light absorption and surface catalytic properties of novel materials

Capabilities and Facilities

• High-performance computing capabilities
• Expertise in applying computational materials science to accelerate the development of new materials and understand materials performance across a range of energy applications – including photocatalysis , photoelectrochemistry , and catalysis , as well as photovoltaics and batteries

More Information

Associate Professor Judy Hart
School of Materials Science and Engineering
T : + 61 2 9385 7998
E : j . hart @ unsw . edu . au

Successful Applications

• Prediction and confirmation of a new materials system with photoactivity extending to longer wavelengths than most existing materials
• Provision of evidence that explains the underlying mechanism and experimental results support for a range of catalyst systems