2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 48

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Clean Fuels

Enhanced Gas

Production from Coal
Seams by Methanogens

NSW and Queensland host an estimated 235 trillion cubic feet of coal seam gas resources ( an emerging global low carbon emission energy ), the majority of these resources being biological in origin . Direct electron transfer to methanogenic archaea , native to major coal seams has been shown to boost biological methane production . Other abundant organic feedstocks like biosolids from wastewater , agricultural waste and food waste , can also be digested to produce biogas .

Competitive Advantage

• Synthetic phenazine crystals have been found to facilitate direct electron transfer to methanogenic archaea to enhance methane production by an order of magnitude representing a positive shift in increasing methane production . Leveraging a deep understanding of the microbiology and biochemistry of biogas production , we can develop enhancement strategies and troubleshoot underperformance of anaerobic digestion systems .


• Enhancing biogas production in-situ in real-time helps sustain coal seam gas production at its current level . It represents a solution to reduce the environmental impact of the industry and increase profit margins by reducing infrastructure expenditure . Anaerobic digestion converts waste-toenergy , thereby lowering operational costs .
• Culture collection of methane producing microorganisms
• Biomethane potential testing expertise and equipment
• Expertise in feedstock pretreatment for anaerobic digestion
• Expertise in electron shuttle-based biogas enhancement

Our Collaborators

• Biogas Energy
• Earthpower
• ONGC India

More Information

Professor Michael Manefield
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Successful Applications

T : + 61 2 9385 5355
• Lithgow coal seam ( NSW )
E : manefield @ unsw . edu . au
• Jahria Coal Seam ( Jharkhand , India )
• Earthpower food waste digestion facility ( NSW )
Professor Sheikh Rahman
School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering

Capabilities and Facilities

T : + 61 2 9385 5659
• Microbial community analysis of biogas producing biomass
E : shaik . rahman @ unsw . edu . au
• Anaerobic cultivation of methanogenic archaea producing biogas