2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 44

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Clean Fuels

Combustion Modelling

for Gas Turbines

New approaches for combustion in gas turbines , industrial burners , and reciprocating engines adapted to hydrogen and / or ammonia fuels . Work includes early-stage concept development , improving understanding , and improving engineering modelling for these challenging fuels .

Competitive Advantage

• Experimental facilities , including multiple engines , optical and metal , high-pressure combustion chambers , and optical diagnostics
• In-house direct numerical simulation ( DNS ) codes that scale to millions of CPU-cores , complemented by large eddy simulation ( LES )
• Deep understanding of hydrogen and ammonia combustion characteristics specific to issues associated with gas turbines , burners and diesel engines


• Proof of concept for new combustion approaches adapted to hydrogen and ammonia combustion

Capabilities and Facilities

• Multiple engine test beds complemented by highpressure combustion chambers
• Extensive optical measurement capabilities
• Highly scaling DNS and LES codes and access to significant CPU time allocations

More Information

Professor Evatt Hawkes
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
T : + 61 2 9385 4602
E : evatt . hawkes @ unsw . edu . au
• Greater understanding of combustion phenomena for improved performance outcomes
• Improved confidence in engineering models , which reduce design and testing costs , and optimise solutions

Successful Applications

• Successful development of dual-fuel hydrogendiesel engine up to 90 % hydrogen substitution
• Successful development of gasoline compression ignition engines exceeding efficiency of diesel baseline
• Many successful applications of DNS to improve understanding of combustion phenomena , and in developing and validating engineering models