2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 24

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Renewable Generation


Green Hydrogen

The current research program involves the development of materials , processes , and devices to generate hydrogen from seawater by piezo-photocatalysis without the complications affecting electrolysis . The ceramic catalyst materials are protected by two patent applications describing different materials that can be engineered to prevent chlorine and oxygen generation – only hydrogen , therefore improving safety and economics .

Competitive Advantage

• Capacity to engineer novel materials that suppress Cl2 / O2 generation , while efficiently generating H2
• Funding from Vecor Technologies


• Energy – large-capacity , scalable , mobile H2 generation
• Environment – green H2 generation
• Security – no strategic raw materials
• Simplicity – high-yield generation of H2 using sunlight and ultrasound
• Materials – ceramic catalysts can be synthesised ( aqueous-based , non-toxic , non-strategic ) or purchased , use of abundant / free seawater
• Economics – low-cost , basic infrastructure and processes for efficient H2 production , 2030 global hydrogen generation market estimated at A $ 477 billion

Successful Applications

• Patent 1 – Engineerable-composition catalyst
• Patent 2 – Engineerable-defect catalyst
• Capabilities and Facilities
• Three dedicated laboratories ( 120 m2 )
• Comprehensive facilities for fabrication ( School of Materials Science and Engineering ), analyses ( UNSW Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre ), and testing ( UNSW-Vecor Laboratories and UNSW School of Chemistry )
• Expertise in processing , analyses , and testing of ceramic catalysts electrochemistry , and hydrogen

Our Collaborators

• Vecor Technologies

More Information

Professor Charles Sorrell
• Safety – no production of O2 or Cl2
School of Materials Science and Engineering
• Major funding from Vecor Technologies
• Government National Science and Research Priorities – energy , advanced manufacturing , and environmental change
T : + 61 2 9385 4421
E : c . sorrell @ unsw . edu . au
• Contribution to Australian Public Service Net zero 2030