2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 17

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Renewable Generation

Hydrodynamic Testing

of Offshore and Coastal

The Water Research Laboratory ( WRL ) helps solve complex engineering challenges encountered by the offshore wind and renewable sector . WRL provides expertise in offshore renewable energy resource assessment , hydrodynamic modelling and coastal engineering , ensuring safe and successful development of offshore wind in the Australian marine environment .

Competitive Advantage

• WRL ’ s hydraulic laboratories are the largest and most comprehensive in Australia , and include 2D and 3D wave making facilities , as well as high flowrate flumes – these facilities enable testing of both offshore and nearshore wave conditions
• Our expertise in wave structure interactions , sediment mobility , metocean and scour modelling , helps increase affordability and safety of offshore wind projects
• Expertise in design and physical modelling of coastal and port infrastructure , helping port operators prepare for unique challenges from offshore wind projects
• WRL is ISO 9001 Quality Assurance certified – guarantees that applied research activities are executed in accordance with strict quality requirements , as well as time , budget , and contractual agreements

Capabilities and Facilities

• Large 3D Wave Basin with segmented wave making capability , three deep wave flumes , open channel flumes , and propwash testing basin
• Extensive suite of laboratory sensors , including wave probes , current meters , 3D LIDAR , submersible load cells , and pressure sensors
• Large range of offshore and marine field measurement equipment

More Information

Associate Professor Kristen Splinter
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Water Research Laboratory
T : + 61 2 8071 9800
E : k . splinter @ unsw . edu . au


Dr Francois Flocard
• Physical modelling of coastal port infrastructure and offshore structures , such as monopiles
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Water Research Laboratory
• Model testing conducted at scale , which allows design optimisation , extreme load measurement , and scour modelling along structure foundations or subsea cables
T : + 61 2 8071 9800 E : f . flocard @ unsw . edu . au
• Highly experienced in wave and current resource assessment through combined expertise in field measurement and numerical environmental modelling