2024 Capability Portfolio Digital | Page 14

Clean Energy Capability Portfolio | Renewable Generation

Fusion energy

Accelerating the development of clean fusion energy by designing novel engineering solutions and materials for the extreme environments of fusion reactors .

Competitive Advantage

• ARC industry fellow and several ARC / industrybacked research groups
• Student-led construction of a fusion reactor onsite , supported by a multidisciplinary team of academics and industry sponsors
• Home of the discovery of hydrogen-boron fusion


• Enabling faster development of Spherical Tokamak technology
• Advancing the engineering of boron-hydrogen laserfusion
• Lowering the cost of energy from nuclear fusion

Successful Applications

• Technology Readiness Level ( TRL ) advancement from 3 to 6 – the ‘ shield ’ component for our industry partner
• Identified novel materials with enhanced shielding performance for ‘ spherical tokamaks ’ – this reduces device size , and the cost of electricity from the device
• Prediction of degradation mechanism of materials exposed to a fusion neutron flux

Capabilities and Facilities

• Ion and neutron irradiation and characterisation expertise
• UNSW radioactive material research facilities
• Multiscale materials modelling capability , integrated with experimental characterisation and testing
• In-situ neutron diffraction capability with advanced corrosion testing cell
• Discretionary access to Australian nuclear infrastructure

Our Collaborators

• Tokamak Energy
• HB-11 Energy
• Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ( ANSTO )
• Imperial College London

More Information

Dr Patrick A Burr
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
T : + 61 2 9385 0918
E : p . burr @ unsw . edu . au
• Optimisation of cooling geometry for central column of compact tokamak reactors