2024 Annual Impact Report 2024 | Page 21

pounds of food were distributed through the Elmer Toth Food Pantry
Claire Byers & Eli Gerstenlauer Cynthia & Harry Gewanter Dr . & Mrs . David Gewirtz Donald Glazer Donna & Neil Gleberman Margret Goff Melinda & Merrill Gold Anne & Roy Goldberg Dr . & Mrs . Leonard Goldberg Randy Goldberg Sally & Robert Goldberg Kenneth Golden Alvin Goldfine Jill & Howard Goldfine Cantor Frances & Dr . Stanley
Goldman Frances & Larry Goldman Julie & Michael Goodman Linda & John Goodman Goodman Allen Donnelly Anne Gordon Judith Mehl & Kenneth Gorvy Renee Gould Shelley & Winston Gouldin Dr . & Mrs . Stuart Grandis Chris & Marc Greenberg Jean Greenberg Lesley & David Greenberg Leslie & David Greenberg Ruth & Brian Greene GreeneHurlocker PLC Holly Greenwood Michael Griffin Abigail & Andrew Gross Ellen Gross Judith & Richard Grossberg Dr . & Mrs . Eric Grossman Sharon Gulliksen Gumenick Properties Flo Guzman Adrienne Haine-Schoenes Diana & David Hall Cheryl McGinnis Hallman Arlene Halpern-Weber & Fred
Weber Katherine Harder Harold Grinspoon Foundation Dr . Neal Freed & Ms . Rebecca
Hayes Carl Hayslett & David Frink Mayela & Art Heifetz Sara & Jack Heisler
Cantor Errol & Judy Helfman Mildred Millhiser Heltzer Marie & Bernie Henderson Henry and Gertrude Kupfer Holocaust Education Fund of Richmond Jewish Foundation
Henry S . and Karin Fine Legacy Fund of Richmond Jewish Foundation Heritage Wealth Advisors Ronnie Cohen & Ron Herzick Susan & Ben Herzick Lois & Harry Hirsch Dr . & Mrs . George Hoffer Roslyn & Alan Hoffman Ellen & Richard Hollands Roger Hommel Inge Horowitz Mr . & Mrs . Ricky Horwitz The Horwitz Family Tracey Adler Horwitz Horwitz Family Building Maintenance Endowment Fund of Richmond Jewish Foundation Sue Houdyshell Ashleigh & Rich Huggett Allen Hurt Image360-RVA
Elly & Jay Ipson Myra Isaacs Robin & Danny Jackson Shields & Matt Jackson Tommy Jackson Jacob Y . Plotkin Memorial Fund of Richmond Jewish Foundation A . Cecil Jacobs Jay Jacobs Michael & Nancy Jaffe JCC Association of North
America Jewish Community Federation of Richmond Kim & Wolf Joffe John B . Levy & Company , Inc . Erika & Nathan Kain Louise & Ronald Kallman David Kalman Lisa Kaplan Seth Kaplan Barbara & Harry Kaplowitz Sharon Kashinejad Kathryn & W . Harry
Schwarzschild Fund Dr . & Mrs . Jonas Katz Judy Katzen Jeffrey Keil


pounds of food were distributed through the Elmer Toth Food Pantry