2024 AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference Program Guide 2024 Membrane Tech Program_DD | Page 8

INTERNET ACCESS The Palm Beach Convention Center features complimentary Wi-Fi for basic internet needs throughout meeting and exhibit space . Look for :
Network : Convention _ Center _ WiFi Not intended for streaming or presentation .
MOBILE APP The conference mobile app provides up-to-the-minute changes to the printed program . You can search by speaker , sponsor and more ! Search your app store for “ AWWA Events ” ( powered by TPNI ), open the application , and choose 2024 Membrane Technology Conference .


CONTACT INFORMATION POLICY As part of your event registration , personal contact data such as name , address , and email were collected and may be used by ATMA and AWWA Show Management and approved third parties affiliated with MTC24 . See the AWWA Privacy Policy ( awwa . org / privacy ) for additional information .
TECHNICAL PROGRAM DISCLAIMER While AMTA and AWWA have taken care to ensure the qualifications of speakers , presenters , and moderators at this conference , the opinions , comments , and other views made by a participant in his / her presentation ( s ) are not necessarily those of AMTA or AWWA nor its officers , directors , planning committee , or staff .
PHOTOGRAPHY & INFORMATION RELEASE POLICY By registering for this event , conference participants agree to allow AMTA and AWWA to use their likeness in any association-related production or publication , including , but not limited to , emails , social media posts , printed materials , videos , and websites .
SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY AMTA and AWWA Code of Practice prohibits sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual conduct at conferences , seminars , and events . Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances , requests for sexual favors , and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature , including jokes and innuendo . Any person who believes a violation of the Member Code of Practice or any other misconduct has occurred should report to the AWWA Director of Human Resources ; HRDirector @ awwa . org , or 303.347.6173 , Deputy Chief Executive Officer ; DeputyCEO @ awwa . org , or any Presidential Officer . AWWA prohibits retaliation against any AWWA staff , volunteer , member , conference participants or other person for making a complaint under AWWA policy , or for assisting in a complaint investigation .
8 www . awwa . org / mtc