7ֲע ֵֹ ש ה אֶ ת חֲ ז וֹ נְּ בֲִּע ֵֹ ש ה אֶ ת
7ֲע ֵֹ ש ה אֶ ת ֹ כּ חֲ דְֵכּ
עֲ שֹ וֹ ת אֶ ת עֲ ב וֹ דָ תְַל
יַל חֲ ז וֹ נִ בִַּל
חְִל ֹ כ
nature and speak out loud , from the heart to God . What connects both these ideas is the concept of creating a focus for prayer . When we feel helpless and hopeless , we ask , “ What can I do ?” It is with this question in mind that I offer the following prayer .
Prayer for Guidance and Help
Please note : It is traditional to direct a prayer to the Divine in one of God ’ s many aspects , as in one of the most common introductions , “ Baruch ata ....” In order to make this prayer meaningful to as many people as possible , a specific introduction has not been written for this prayer . It has been left for each individual to supply the direction if such direction is desired .
7 י
י שֶ א וּ כַ ל
ָ 7 בּ ע וֹ לַ ם .
Ah-seh et cha-zon-n ’ cha la-cha-zo-ni Ah-seh et bi-na-t ’ cha la bi-na-ti Ah-seh et koh-cha-cha la-choh-hee K ’ day sheh-oh-chal la-ah-soat et ah-voh-dah-t ’ cha bah-oh-lahm .
Make Your sight my sight , Make Your wisdom my wisdom , Make your strength my strength So that I may do your work in the world . Amen .
Rabbi Dr . Jo David is a writer , teacher , interfaith counselor , and life-cycle officiant . She was ordained as a rabbi under the auspices of the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York .