2024-25 Middle School Registration Guide 2024-25 Middle School Registration Guide | Page 11

English Language Arts 6 [ full year , two periods ] Intended Audience : Grade 6 Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of texts , focusing on making inferences and citing textual evidence to demonstrate understanding .
• Write daily , emphasizing the exploration of a wide variety of writing experiences .
• Develop language skills ( including vocabulary , sentence structure , and grammar / mechanics ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , inquiry , and media literacy .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , informative writing assignments , research to support reading and writing , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Advanced English Language Arts 7 [ full year , two periods ] Intended Audience : Grade 7 students who are interested in reading , writing , and language ; students who read and write significantly above grade level Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of highlevel texts , focusing on theme and text structures , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate deep understanding . Read with an emphasis on analyzing arguments and structure .
• Write daily , emphasizing the exploration of a wide variety of writing experiences , including persuasive writing . Focus on producing polished writing and reflecting on writing growth .
• Develop language skills ( including vocabulary , sentence structure , and grammar / mechanics ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking . Examine texts for loaded language .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , media literacy , and presentation of information .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , genre study , persuasive writing assignments , research to support reading and writing , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : The course will move at a faster pace than ELA 7 . This will allow students to explore topics in greater depth . Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
English Language Arts 7 [ full year , two periods ] Intended Audience : Grade 7 Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of texts , focusing on theme and text structures , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate understanding .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences , including an exploration of persuasive writing .
• Develop language skills ( including vocabulary , sentence structure , and grammar / mechanics as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , media literacy , and presentation of information .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , persuasive writing assignments , research to support reading and writing , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Advanced English Language Arts 8 [ full year ] Intended Audience : Grade 8 students who are interested in reading , writing , and language ; students who read and write above grade level Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of high-level texts , focusing on the development of multiple themes , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate deep understanding . Analyze literature and the structure of arguments .
• Write daily , emphasizing the exploration of a wide variety of writing experiences , including pursuasive writing . Focus on producing polished writing and eliminating wordiness .
• Develop language skills ( including vocabulary , sentence structure , and grammar / mechanics ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , media literacy , and persuasive presentations .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , literary analysis essay , persuasive writing assignments , research to support reading and writing , persuasive presentations , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : The course will move at a faster pace than ELA 8 . This will allow students to explore topics in greater depth . Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
English Language Arts 8 [ full year ] Intended Audience : Grade 8 Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of texts , focusing on the development of themes , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate understanding .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences , including an exploration of pursuasive writing .
• Develop language skills including vocabulary , correct puncuation , and effective transitions ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , media literacy , and pursuasive presentations .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , persuasive writing assignments , research to support reading and writing , persuasive presentations , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Middle School Registration Guide 11