2024-25 High School Registration Guide 2024-25 High School Registration Guide | Page 47

English 9 Intended Audience : Grade 9 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of texts , focusing on the development of themes across multiple texts , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate understanding .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences , including an exploration of argumentation and personal narratives .
• Develop language skills ( including expanding vocabulary and identifying biased language ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , media literacy , and argumentative speeches . Project ,/ activities .: Book clubs , Socratic seminars , narrative writing , research to support reading and writing , argumentative speeches , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Honors English 9 Intended Audience : Grade 9 students who are interested in reading , writing , and language ; students who read and write well above grade level Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of challenging texts , focusing on the development of themes across multiple texts , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate deep understanding .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences , including an exploration of argumentation , personal narratives , and audience-driven writing .
• Develop language skills ( including expanding vocabulary and identifying biased language ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening , speaking , media literacy , and argumentative speeches . Examine themes across different media , and create podcasts / newscasts and share information .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , writing portfolios , Socratic seminars , narrative writing , research to support reading and writing , argumentative speeches , and independent writing . Instructional Focus : The course will move at a faster pace than English 9 . This will allow students to explore topics in greater depth . Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Pre-AP English 1 [ AndHS only ] Intended Audience : All grade 10 students Credit : Two Trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes : Pre-AP English 1 trains the reader to observe the small details in a text to arrive at a deeper understanding of the whole . It also trains the reader to appreciate the author ’ s sometimes-subtle choices , developing an awareness of how words produce effects and how the conventions of the English language are used for both precision and style . As writers , students focus on crafting complex sentences , building well-organized paragraphs , and producing sophisticated longer analyses .
English 10 Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 9 or Honors English 9 Intended Audience : Grade 10 Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze texts from a variety of viewpoints , focusing on the author ’ s choices , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate understanding . Examine the elements of effective arguments .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences . Focus on choices that impact the overall writing .
• Develop language skills ( including expanding vocabulary and examining voice and style ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening and speaking . Explore the impact of media , and create a digital work .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , Socratic seminars , argumentative writing , research to support reading and writing , digital works , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
English 10 with College Foundations Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 9 or Honors English 9 Credit : Three trimesters = 1.5 credit ( 1.0 English credit , 0.5 Elective credit ) Major Outcomes :
• Focus on college readiness skills ( goal setting , time management , note taking , reflection )
• Read and analyze texts from a variety of viewpoints , focusing on the author ’ s choices , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate understanding . Examine the elements of effective arguments .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences . Focus on choices that impact the overall writing .
• Develop language skills ( including expanding vocabulary and examining voice and style ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening and speaking . Focus on extending academic discussions and relating the discussion to broader themes .
Projects / Activities : Book clubs , Socratic seminars , argumentative writing , mini-inquiry project , digital works , presentations , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Honors English 10 Prerequisite / Selection Process : English 9 or Honors English 9 Intended Audience : Grade 10 students who are interested in reading , writing , and language , students who read and write well above grade level . Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes :
• Read and analyze a variety of challenging texts , focusing on the author ’ s choices , and citing textual evidence to demonstrate deep understanding .
• Write daily , with a wide variety of writing experiences , including literacy analysis . Focus on deep revision and prepare work for publication .
• Develop language skills ( including expanding vocabulary and examining voice and style ) as they relate to reading , writing and speaking .
• Develop skills in listening and speaking . Explore the impact of media , and determine the appropriate style of communication . Projects / Activities : Book clubs , Socratic seminars , argumentative writing , research to support reading and writing , digital works , and independent reading . Instructional Focus : The course will move at a faster pace than English 10 . This will allow students to explore topics in greater depth . Teachers will create daily reading , writing , and discussion activities as students explore thematic units . Language work will be embedded within authentic reading , writing , and speaking experiences . Teachers will offer multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning .
Pre-AP English 2 [ AndHS only ] Prerequisite / Selection Process : Pre-AP English 1 Intended Audience : All grade 10 students at AndHS Credit : Two trimesters = 1.0 credit Major Outcomes : Pre-AP English 2 builds on the foundation of the Pre-AP English 1 course , asking students to apply the skills learned in that earlier course . Students develop a stronger awareness of how a writer can manipulate language to serve a unique purpose . As writers , students compose nuanced analytical essays with well-crafted sentences .


High School Registration Guide 47