National Cattlemen ’ s Beef Association
Every day , NCBA is fighting on behalf of cattle producers in Congress , the White House and federal agencies . This year , much of that work has focused on blocking new regulations from impacting farms and ranches . This work includes suing to stop overreaching Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ) rulemakings , fighting to renew expiring tax provisions that would devastate family-owned cattle operations , and successfully partnering with other agricultural groups to submit a Supreme Court brief arguing for the overruling of the Chevron deference . Throughout the years many of NCBA ’ s greatest victories have been limiting overreach by the federal government and keeping them far away from cattle operations .
The House Agriculture Committee passed the 2024 Farm Bill out of committee in May on a bipartisan vote . Then , the Senate Agriculture Committee released Farm Bill frameworks on both the Democrat and Republican sides , not full legislative text but still positive progress . Unfortunately , the passage of this bill kicked off months of policy arguments on the massive nutrition assistance portion of the bill and on poison pills in the Senate Democrat Farm Bill framework which would badly hurt animal agriculture . Due to these debates , Congress won ’ t have enough time to complete the Farm Bill process during this contentious election year . At the time of writing , NCBA is anticipating another short-term , one-year Farm Bill extension to be included in the government funding package in late September . NCBA supports both the bipartisan House and the Senate Republican versions of the Farm Bill , since both contain top NCBA policy priorities including strengthened risk management programs , support for disaster recovery programs , further promotion of voluntary conservation programs , and more funding for the foreign animal disease vaccine bank . This is not the first time a Farm Bill has been delayed for political reasons and it will not be the last . Remember , the 2008 Farm Bill was extended for nearly six years until it eventually passed . NCBA will keep advocating for Farm Bill policies that help cattle producers and will fight to the bitter end to stop any attempts to attach harmful riders that could increase the regulatory burden or push the cattle industry off course .
After a rapid rise in capital and media attention , lab-grown protein companies are struggling . In 2023 , lab-grown protein was a media darling after receiving U . S . Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) and Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) approval to market their product . Two high-profile restaurants in D . C . and San Francisco began serving lab-grown chicken and endless positive headlines propped up a stream of investment in the fake meat industry . This year , those restaurants have pulled fake meat from the menu . Notable cell-cultured startup SCiFI Foods , which was specifically working on replicating beef cells , folded and went out of business . And other major companies in the sector have struggled to scale up production , change consumer sentiment , and bring down costs to a level average Americans can actually afford . The lab-grown protein industry continues to stay afloat courtesy of major investors in New York and Silicon Valley , but they are no closer to convincing Americans that this is something worth eating . NCBA will not let up and will continue to stay vigilant on correcting the record about fake meat .
Currently , NCBA is building support for the Fair and Accurate Ingredient Representation on Labels Act ( FAIR Labels Act ). This bipartisan , bicameral legislation would end deceptive labeling practices on fake meat products and ensure consumers know exactly what they are buying at the grocery store . The FAIR Labels Act would require fake meat products to be labeled as “ imitation ” and lab-grown products would need to be clearly labeled as “ lab-
Continued on page 14
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NCBA ’ s team is constantly hard at work in Washington , D . C ., to fight for the cattle industry ’ s priorities . One of the most important tools that supports these efforts is the NCBA Political Action Committee ( NCBA-PAC ).
A PAC is a political committee that raises money and supports candidates running for office . The NCBA-PAC raises money from cattle producers and uses that money to support pro-cattle industry candidates running for the U . S . House of Representatives and U . S . Senate .
Running for office is an expensive venture . In the last election cycle , the average winning candidate for the House spent more than $ 2.7 million while the average winning Senate candidate spent more than $ 26.5 million . This money is spent on political advertisements , rallies , paid campaign staff , flyers , mailers , yard signs and other tactics that increase a candidate ’ s name recognition and help them connect with voters . While we may be disappointed in the increasing role of money in political campaigns , it is crucial for the cattle industry to arm our allies with campaign funds as they run against activist-backed candidates with deep pockets .
“ The reality is that animal liberation activists and radical environmentalists have extremely thick wallets ,” said NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane . “ The cattle industry needs to fight back , and thanks to contributions from NCBA members , we have hit a new record of $ 1.1 million raised for this election cycle . This is money that goes straight to electing our allies in some of the most competitive and important political races across the country .”
The $ 1.1 million raised by NCBA-PAC is an important milestone .
Never in the history of the PAC has NCBA raised more than $ 1 million . Since 2010 , NCBA-PAC ’ s fundraising efforts have steadily increased , reaching annual fundraising levels between $ 600,000 and $ 900,000 . By breaking the $ 1 million mark , NCBA is able to provide critical resources to key political races which help pro-agriculture candidates get elected to Congress .
Breaking the $ 1 million threshold occurred at a very special event : the annual Young Cattlemen ’ s Conference . After eight days on the road , the more than 60 young cattlemen and women on the trip arrived in Washington , D . C ., and participated in NCBA-PAC ’ s live auction .
“ It was extremely exciting to see some of our youngest leaders be the ones to put us over the $ 1 million mark ,” Lane said . “ That shows such enthusiasm and excitement for the work that NCBA is doing , and their support will help us keep fighting for this industry and way of life .”
Another important group that has contributed to the success of NCBA-PAC is the Leader of the PAC program . The program began after a challenge was issued by then-NCBA President Jerry Bohn to increase participation in the PAC for the longterm . The NCBA-PAC Committee developed the Leader of the PAC program , which involves a commitment to contribute $ 1,000 per year to the PAC across a 10-year period .
“ You have probably noticed Leaders of the PAC at cattle industry events wearing their special gold and white lapel pin or vest , but this program is about more than just free items ,” said NCBA-PAC Chairman and Tennessee cattle producer Will Mayfield . “ Leaders of the PAC commit to being supporters of the industry for the long-term , and their support means the PAC will always have resources in the future to engage in political races and be a driving force for the cattle industry .”
The generosity of cattle producers who have contributed to the PAC or participated in programs like Leader of the PAC has allowed NCBA-PAC to capture attention from some of the most powerful people in Washington . This year alone , then-Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy and current Speaker of the House Mike Johnson visited NCBA ’ s office to meet with cattle producers and discuss the issues facing the cattle industry . House Majority Whip Tom Emmer also met with NCBA leaders and top members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees are frequent visitors at the NCBA office , including House Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson .
“ Leaders like Speaker Johnson and Chairman Thompson are some of our top allies in Congress . They think about the needs of cattle producers and back legislation to improve our industry , but their support of us also makes them targets for radical activists ,” Lane said . “ This is why NCBA-PAC is here to give them support and help them get reelected so they can keep fighting for American agriculture .”
Raising more than $ 1 million is an incredible achievement , but the NCBA-PAC isn ’ t resting on its laurels .
“ I ’ m extremely proud and grateful for all the contributors who helped us reach $ 1 million ,” Mayfield said . “ We ’ re going to keep working hard to raise even more for the next election cycle and make NCBA-PAC a force to be reckoned with in D . C . To everyone who has been a supporter of the PAC , thank you for your generous contributions .”
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The trusted leader and definitive voice of the U . S . cattle and beef industry .
The annual National Cattlemen Directions magazine serves as a reference publication for the cattle industry . The Fall edition offers an in-depth review of NCBA and its activities , a state-of-the-beef industry report , feature-length editorial and the popular CattleFax segment rankings and statistics .
• Frequency : Annual Magazine
• Circulation : 23,000 +
• Pass-through readership : 45,000
• Audience : NCBA producer members , corporate members , state affiliates , members of Congress , veterans and industry stakeholders
The State of NCBA
The Work Never Stops
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The cattle industry needs to fight back , and thanks to contributions from NCBA members , we have hit a new record of $ 1.1 million raised for this election cycle .
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